• 49. How to Stop Saying You're Fine and Speak TF Up!
    Aug 21 2024

    On one hand, someone asks how you’re doing, you say: “Fine.”

    Or your partner has been treating you like their personal merry maid services. And you have been silently raging for weeks, but when they ask if something’s wrong… you say, “I’m fine.”

    On another hand, someone comes for a member of your team and like a mama bear protecting your cubs in the wild, you push them behind you and go to war.


    How come you’ve been able to defend, protect and fight for other people, but not yourself?

    In this episode I answer that question plus:

    • How to stop saying “I’m fine” and start speaking your truth.
    • A breakdown of my Showrunner method that I take coaching clients through that emboldens them to self-advocate and lead with power.

    If you have any questions about what I shared, feel free to DM me over on IG:⁠ @ashleymorganlive⁠

    I currently have 3 spots open in MORPH, my 6 month 1:1 leadership development coaching program for purpose-driven women who want to shed good girl conditioning and lead with MORE power.

    This is for you if-- You've got the good on paper job and look successful from the outside looking in, but you've been called to go bigger and silly little things like: self-doubt, perfectionism, people pleasing and lacking confidence have held you back or kept you stuck.

    DM me “MORPH” on IG: ⁠@ashleymorganlive⁠ if you desire this kind of support.

    Lastly, if you loved the episode, share it with a friend!

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    29 mins
  • BONUS EP: The Method to My Madness AKA Deets on Morph, my 1:1 coaching container.
    Jun 29 2024

    Curious about what it’s like to coach with me behind the scenes? This audio is for you.

    Inside this bonus episode:

    6 MIN — I give you the chance to hear from a client of mine who is 6 weeks into our 6 month coaching relationship.

    Joy is a CFO with an MBA. She reached out initially after learning she was severely underpaid. She wanted to negotiate a larger compensation package and be paid fairly.

    It became clear FAST that while yes, it was time for a raise… her true hearts desire was to fulfill the dream and purpose of supporting burnout exhausted CEO’s create freedom-based businesses.

    She’s a mom of 3.

    She was also exiting a 10 year marriage.

    And family is one of her highest core values.

    She thought she had a confidence issue… but we uncovered it wasn’t that at all.

    I share the process I take you through during my 1:1 coaching that transforms your brain, heart and leadership so that you can truly do the purpose work you are meant for in the world.

    We also cover:

    How to know if MORPH right for you? I describe the woman I created this offer for.

    The process I walk you through to upgrade your mindset, emotional intelligence, decision making and leadership skills.

    The investment details.

    Questions for me: Shoot me a DM on IG: @ashleymorganlive

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    28 mins
  • 47. Are you worried that you'll regret being childfree? This ones for you.
    Jun 21 2024

    In this episode of Iterate with Ashley I'm sharing my journey from being married and expecting that I would one day have children to joyfully choosing to be childfree as a single woman.

    • I answer the question: "Aren't you afraid you'll regret it?"
    • I share the core beliefs I have about my life and how they support my major life decisions.
    • And in true Ashley fashion, I rant about fulfillment, self-advocacy, soul missions and your personal leadership.

    If you have any questions about what I shared, feel free to DM me over on IG: @ashleymorganlive

    I currently have 3 spots open in Morph, my 1:1 coaching program for driven women who want to re-commit to their purpose work.

    This is for you if-- You've got the good on paper job and look successful from the outside looking in, but you've been called to go bigger and silly little things like: perfectionism, people pleasing and lacking confidence have been holding you back or keeping you stuck.

    6 or 9 month options are available.

    DM me "morph" on IG: @ashleymorganlive for more deets.

    Also, if you loved the episode, share it with a friend!

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    44 mins
  • 46. How I say "no" with zero guilt.
    May 20 2024

    Them: “Are you volunteering for the book drive again this year?”

    You: “No.”

    Them: “Oh, why not?”

    You: “I don’t want to.”

    **** crickets. awkward silence****

    Could you calmly and confidently have this conversation with someone without:

    Feeling an ounce of guilt trickle down your spine?

    Feeling dread drop into the pit of your belly?

    Feeling tingly sensations flitter in your fingers?

    Yes! Stop reading. Congratulations 🎉🥳👏

    You’ve beat out 70% of women who feel like they’ve robbed a granny or kicked a puppy when they simply say, “nope… won’t be doing that.

    If you’re like the rest of us… well (former Ashley) I designed a new program just for you called the Obligation Detox.

    It’s all the learnings I needed when I was volunteering in five church departments, working full time, going to school full time and being a wife, daughter, sister… well just all the things.

    AKA being the textbook over-giving, over-functioning, over-committed woman.

    Read the deets here.

    Q’s about the program? DM me on the Gram here.

    xx, Ashley

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    36 mins
  • [LIFE] 45. I didn’t hit any of my career goals in 2023. Here’s why I’m still giving myself a gold medal + How I’m setting the tone for 2024
    Jan 3 2024

    About 6 weeks ago, I got on a call with my therapist and he said, “You look like you ate a string of Christmas lights. You’re glowing from the inside out.”

    I offered him a grin and teared up, because I felt it.

    Like oil on a hot stove crackling as it gets hotter and hotter, I’d been feeling it.

    Like the pilot light on a furnace gets sparked — it felt like I my energy had been reignited.

    I was nourished. Fat. Like the chubby, squishy thighs of a baby feeding on liquid gold.

    Rested. Clear. Grounded.

    They weren’t just nice words, they were embodied wisdom.

    After collapsing into 2023 and first fighting my bodies call to rest then giving in and honoring it — I was feeling like myself again.

    Better really.

    4-5 months before this moment I was crying for a different reason.

    The guilt I felt over stepping back from relationships and commitments. Hasty imperfect asks for space. The wash of disappointment constantly flooding my body since I had spent the entire year doing the bare minimum.

    And he told me this:

    “Ashley, it’s a good thing that there isn’t enough of you to go around.”

    He added:

    “You did what there was to do. If a car is running out of gas, you don’t floor it and force it to push through. It’ll eventually stop. You pull over to a gas station and refill it. Just like that car, you pulled over. The people who love you and genuinely care for you will be happy to see you well.”

    I exhaled and have kept exhaling.

    Which brings me to my point:

    I didn’t hit any of my career goals in 2023.

    And still…

    I left the year feeling mentally and emotionally stronger, energetically lighter, my vision is more clear, my creative expression is more free, I feel like I actually have the bandwidth and capacity to go out and re-engage the world.

    In this episode I’m sharing:

    • A permission slip for rest and an urging to answer the call for slowness.
    • Why I don’t believe in New Year Resolutions
    • And the 3 guideposts I’m leaning on as I set the tone for 2024.

    If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe, leave a review, share with a friend or to your Instagram stories and tag me.

    Come say hello on IG: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    If you’re at a career crossroads and desire to make a change, DM me ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for details on my 1:1 coaching container.

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    21 mins
  • [LIFE] E44. What's Wrong With Me? Why Can't I Just Be Happy With What I have?
    Nov 29 2023

    Have you ever felt the nagging feeling that you were just built different?

    Like maybe real fulfillment or contentment with life would forever be playing a game of hide-n-seek with you?

    Despite having checked the boxes, hit the career milestones, got the relationship, booked the trip... you still have felt like you're playing a smaller game than you wanted to be?

    I can relate and many of my clients can too.

    This episode covers:

    - Why abandoning your career ambition isn't the solution to greater fulfillment.

    - How gratitude and a desire for more aren't in competition.

    - What to ask yourself and where to start if you find yourself wanting to play a bigger game.

    - And more.

    If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe, leave a review, share with a friend or to your Instagram stories and tag me.

    Come say hello on IG: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    DM me ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for details on my 6 to 9 month coaching containers.

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    28 mins
  • [CAREER] E43. Where to start when you finally want to put your quality of life ahead of your career.
    Nov 2 2023

    From the time you were a tiny-tot, you’ve been trained — see also indoctrinated — to make work/career/ job the main thing

    Leaving the the rest of your life to play side-chick.

    You were taught to make your career the fancy centerpiece of the dining room table that is your life— but you’ve realized it’s not working for you.

    Career is no longer king — That’s the old model.

    You don’t just want to look “impressive” you want to feel/be fulfilled w/o compromising pay or power.

    The new model says— work matters and it’s also only one small part of who you are, how you live and how you express yourself in the world.

    You’ll still have big impact and make the money you wanna make— just not at the expense of being a whole ass human.

    That’s a price you aren’t willing to pay anymore.

    So where do you start? How do you begin designing a career where your life comes first?

    That's what we're covering in today's episode.

    Want me in your back pocket as you create this transformation in your own life? DM me “MORPH” and get to on building your life-first career.

    In my world, your quality of life is the main thing.

    You can do it w/o sacrificing your six-figure income or director title (I didn’t give up mine).

    In my 1:1 coaching, you untangle the mental mess of “what do I really want next from work.”

    I don’t ask you to trash your ambition or stop giving AF about your team, but you do raise the standards for your own personal fulfillment and well-being.

    Come say hello or drop any questions about the show: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Enjoying the party? Like, subscribe & share w/ a friend!

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    28 mins
  • [LEADERSHIP] E42. A Sermon on Giving Yourself the Credit You are DUE!
    Sep 15 2023

    “Maybe I just got lucky?”

    “Maybe it was my connections?”

    “Maybe it was just a coincidence?”

    “Maybe they didn’t have a better option?”

    Nah, boo – you did that.

    Own that sh*t.

    The above were lies I was believing when I was in self-protect mode after a toxic AF workplace experience left my confidence in the toilet.

    These useless thoughts kept me stuck in career purgatory making $14/hr when I had 6-figure skills.

    We go to church in this podcast ep. I intend for you to leave the episode OWNING your results and giving yourself boatloads of credit for every damn thing you’ve done.

    That’s the HOW of building rock solid self belief.

    In the episode, I share:

    • A story I’ve never put anywhere on the interwebs, all about how I was unqualified for a promotion and raised my hand anyway. And things outside my control made it so that I was still the best choice.
    • Why happy accidents are a part of the success journey and not enough people are being honest about it.
    • A riff on gratitude… plus much more.


    Enrollment is open for the Anti-Confidence Clinic.

    A 6 week program where you learn how to stop the doubt spiral, clear fear and take powerful action everyday.

    What would it feel like for taking action in life and work felt as easy as making your morning cup of coffee?

    No mental boxing match with doubt.

    No worrying about whether or not you'll fail.

    No stressing about what other people will think.

    Just moving forward.

    You’re about to find out.

    ⁠⁠JOIN HERE.⁠⁠

    Come say hello or drop any questions about the show: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    DM me ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for details on my 6 to 9 month coaching containers.

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    27 mins