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Amazon Prime members pick 2 free titles with their first Audible trial. Terms apply.

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Premium Plus

£7.99/month after a 30-day trial

Select this plan Auto-renews at £69.99/year. Switch plans or cancel monthly.

Premium Plus Annual


Why Audible?

Millions of people choose Audible. Here’s why.

More than 800K titles

Always find what you are looking for with over 130 audiobook genres and microgenres.

Save on audiobooks

The average retail price of an audiobook is £25. Audible's membership is only £7.99/month.

Full titles guaranteed

Unlimited rewinds means you never have to worry about getting distracted or missing a minute.
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Additional plans

Select this plan Auto-renews at £14.99/month after 30 days. Switch plans or cancel monthly.

2 credits a month


Select this plan Auto-renews at £109.99/year. Switch plans or cancel monthly.

24 Credits


Frequently asked questions

How does the free trial work?

Your Audible membership is free for 30 days. If you enjoy your Audible trial, do nothing and your membership will automatically continue. You can cancel anytime before your trial ends and you won’t be charged. There are no commitments and no cancellation fees.

How much does Audible cost?

Audible membership is £7.99 per month after your free trial which includes unlimited listening to the Plus Catalogue + one credit per month good for any title to download and keep. No commitments, cancel monthly anytime via your account details.

What is included with my Audible membership?

As an Audible member, your subscription includes:

  • One credit a month, good for any title to download and keep.

  • Unlimited listening to the Plus Catalogue – thousands of Audible Originals, podcasts and select audiobooks.

  • Access to exclusive member only deals, get up to 80% off selected titles.

Are there additional benefits for Amazon Prime members?

Amazon Prime members are invited to select any two free audiobooks in their first 30-day free trial instead of one, and they're yours to keep. After the trial, all members receive 1 credit per month.

Do I have to commit for any period of time?

There are no commitments. You can easily cancel your membership monthly anytime via your account details. All titles taken during trial and purchased with a credit are yours to keep forever.