
  • The Branding of the Heart: The Divine Commodity Pt. 3
    Jun 21 2022

    The guys are back to discuss chapter 3 of "The Divine Commodity:" called "The Branding of the Heart." 

    In this episode, Justin and Chris talk about how this one chapter truly opened their eyes to what has been going on in our churches for the past century.  A lot has taken place to further the brand of church rather than the ministry of church and this chapter illuminates it brilliantly. 

    We both are blown away by what Jethani says in chapter 3, and we will be too. 

    If you have not done so yet, please pick up this book and read it because we are continually finding new things that stick out as we discuss it more in our episodes.

    As always, you can connect with us on our socials:

    Facebook: @fueledbycandc
    Instagram: @fueledbycandc
    Email: fueledbycandc@gmail.com

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • The Canvas of Silence: The Divine Commodity pt. 2
    May 6 2022

    As the guys continue in their discussion of the book "The Divine Commodity" by Skye Jethani, they seek to bring attention to the new ways that this book has caused them to think about the church.  This chapter focused on the ways that we as Christians tend to fill the times of silence with other things.  Justin and Chris also take a hard look at a study that was depicted called Moralistic Therapeutic Deism.  According to this study, these are the ways that the average American teenager sees religion.  The results of this study were very eye opening.

    As always, you can catch us on our socials if you'd like to get us a message.  We check them regularly!

    Instagram: fueledbycandc
    Facebook: fueledbycandc
    Email: fueledbycandc@gmail.com

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • The Divine Commodity: Introduction and Chapter 1
    Apr 5 2022

    Chris and Justin take some time to begin discussing a book they both read which has left a lasting impression on each of them.
    "The Divine Commodity " by Skye Jethani has really grasped our minds and put them through the metaphorical gauntlet by causing us to think about how Consumer Christianity has taken control of our churches across the globe. 

    In this episode, the guys try to wrap their heads around some of the things that Skye is getting at when he states that we have a real issue with commodifying the church.  This is in ways that we would never conceive but can plainly see now that our eyes have been illuminated.  Skye's desire is to wake up the church to recognize how it has effected our congregations over the past 40-50 years.   

    We encourage everyone to go out and grab this book and read along with us because we plan to release an episode discussing each of the chapters in the coming weeks.

    You can pick up Skye's book here.

    As always, get connected with us on our social accounts and email!

    Facebook: @fueledbycandc
    Instagram: @fueledbycandc
    Email: fueledbycandc@gmail.com

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • It's All Just A Game To You, Isn't It?
    Feb 19 2022


    In this episode, Justin and Chris discuss a topic that is HUGE in our world today, and that is VIDEO GAMES!!!  This form of entertainment has been monumental in the lives of teens and adults, alike, for over the past 30-40 years.  One needs only to look that the video game industry amassing well over $180 BILLION last year to understand what kind of influence it has in our society.  Knowing the grandeur of this topic, the guys sought to tackle the discussion of how Christians should or should not interact with the video games and the content they portray.  Join us as we discuss these things and try to give a believer's response to what is available for our kids to be playing when they get home from school.

    The guys reference these two articles if you'd like to read along:

    Stay tuned because Justin and Chris will be discussing this book on a future episode and we would love for you to be involved with the conversation.  Take a look and read along with us!
    "The Divine Commodity" by Skye Jethani

    Connect with us on our socials!
    Instagram: @fueledbycandc
    Facebook: @fueledbycandc 
    Gmail: fueledbycandc@gmail.com

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    57 mins
  • New Year, Same Us
    Jan 24 2022

    It has been a while, but Justin and Chris begin season 2 of the Fueled by Caffeine and Christ Podcast with a look back at the first year of the show.  What went well?  What could we work on?  How good was all the coffee and tea that they drank?

    Throughout this first year of podcasting, we have been so blessed to be able to share our thoughts with you all.  It is important to know that Justin and I have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves as we prepared, recorded, edited and published new episodes for the catalog. 

    We use this episode as a jumping off point for Season 2 and we seek to share some exciting goals that we have for the New Year. 

    For our first episode of the new season, we sampled Sneak Energy which is an energy drink powder that is specifically designed for video gamers to increase productivity with no jitters that other energy supplements tend to have.  Justin and Chris tried "Tropikilla" flavor which had hints of pineapple and mango.  If you would like to check out their products, click the link and let us know what you think.

    Thanks for listening because without you, we would just be talking to ourselves!

    Facebook: fueledbycandc
    Instagram: @fueledbycandc
    Email: fueledbycandc@gmail.com

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    53 mins
  • We Need to Change (pt. 2)
    Dec 3 2021

    Justin and Chris return to their conversation with Steven Carlaw about the spiritual warfare that is being waged in our church bodies and the mindset that church leadership needs to have as we seek to correct mistakes that have been made in the past.  This was a very poignant conversation that we all need to be having in order to see change and growth happen.  We can never learn from our mistakes if we aren't shown that we are making them in the first place!

    We really appreciate Steven spending a lot of time with us discussing these issues.  He was fired up just like we both were as we talked. 

    As always, we are eagerly seeking feedback on what we have discussed over the last two episodes.  Please reach out to us because we want to keep the conversation going.  It can't just stop at this discussion and that be it.  We need to be pushing ourselves to make changes if God has change set in front of us whether corporately in our churches or in our own individual lives. 

    If you have not done so yet, please go back and listen to "We Need To Change (pt. 1)" so that you are not completely lost!

    Reach out to us at:
    Instagram: @fueledbycandc
    Facebook: @fueledbycandc 
    Email: fueledbycandc@gmail.com

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • We Need to Change (pt. 1)
    Nov 19 2021

    We're Back!
    After a month or so break, Justin and Chris are joined by Steven "Puff" Carlaw to discuss an extremely difficult topic that is plaguing our churches across the world.  Our conversation steered us in the direction of the spiritual warfare being waged in the form of complacency and comfort.  How do we fight the urge to stay home from church on a Sunday morning and get that extra hour of sleep when fellowshipping with other believers is such a necessity for the growth of our spiritual lives and the lives of our churches?  Why is church fellowship so important anyway?

    This episode is part 1 of our conversation, so be looking for episode 2 coming out soon. 

    To read the article that Justin references, click on this link.

    We are looking for feedback and desire your thoughts on this topic.  Please reach out to us on our social accounts or by email:

    Instagram: @fueledbycandc
    Facebook: @fueledbycandc
    Gmail: fueledbycandc@gmail.com

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Divine Butler or Eternal Father?
    Oct 1 2021

    On this week's episode of the Fueled by Caffeine and Christ Podcast, the guys are joined by their long time friend, Brad Hawkins as they discuss the issue of Biblical vs. Cultural Christianity.  Is God merely a Cosmic Therapist whose only job is to help us when we call on Him, or is He the Creator of all things who seeks to have a fruitful, nourishing relationship with each of us?  This is a very convicting discussion and you don't want to miss it!

    Chris discovered this topic after reading this article.  It would be worthwhile to go and read it, as well.  There are many things that we all can be working on, and this article can help bring to light those issues. 

    Brad brought in Bourbon Pecan coffee from How You Brewin', a coffee shop in Long Beach Island, New Jersey.  It was delicious and smelled amazing!  Make sure you show them some love by visiting their page, here. 

    As always, we are looking forward to hearing what you all think about the topics we discuss.  You can do that by checking out our Social pages:

    Facebook: @fueledbycandc
    Instagram: @fueledbycandc
    Gmail: fueledbycandc@gmail.com

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    1 hr and 6 mins