康熙大帝 - 康熙大帝 [The Great Kangxi Emperor]
4 books in series康熙大帝 1:夺宫初政 - 康熙大帝 1:奪宮初政 [The Great Kangxi Emperor 1: Initial Policy after the Scramble for the Throne] Summary

Book 1
康熙大帝 1:夺宫初政 - 康熙大帝 1:奪宮初政 [The Great Kangxi Emperor 1: Initial Policy after the Scramble for the Throne]
- By: 二月河 - 二月河 - Eryue He
- Narrated by: 纪涵邦 - 紀涵邦 - Ji Hanbang
- Length: 24 hrs and 14 mins
- Unabridged
康熙八岁即位,由顺治遗命,以索尼、苏克萨哈、遏必隆和鳌拜四人为辅臣。其中鳌拜居功自傲,专横跋扈,待老臣索尼病死后,他拉拢遏必隆,处死了不与他合作的苏克萨哈,更是朝政独揽,经常咆哮金殿,强制康熙屈从他的意愿。…… 康熙八歲即位,由順治遺命,以索尼、蘇克薩哈、遏必隆和鰲拜四人為輔臣。其中鰲拜居功自傲,專橫跋扈,待老臣索尼病死後,他拉攏遏必隆,處死了不與他合作的蘇克薩哈,更是朝政獨攬,經常咆哮金殿,強制康熙屈從他的意願。
康熙大帝 1:夺宫初政 - 康熙大帝 1:奪宮初政 [The Great Kangxi Emperor 1: Initial Policy after the Scramble for the Throne]
- Narrated by: 纪涵邦 - 紀涵邦 - Ji Hanbang
- Length: 24 hrs and 14 mins
- Release date: 23-10-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Book 2
康熙大帝 2:惊风密语 - 康熙大帝 2:驚風密語 [The Great Kangxi Emperor 2: Outstanding Foresight and Ability]
- By: 二月河 - 二月河 - Eryue He
- Narrated by: 纪涵邦 - 紀涵邦 - Ji Hanbang
- Length: 28 hrs and 51 mins
- Unabridged
天道茫茫,自有真理在,万里晴空,河汉盼晏清。翦除鳌拜恶势力后,年轻的康熙自掌朝政,但国库空虚,人心浮动,可谓四面楚歌…… 天道茫茫,自有真理在,萬里晴空,河漢盼晏清。翦除鰲拜惡勢力後,年輕的康熙自掌朝政,但國庫空虛,人心浮動,可謂四面楚歌……
康熙大帝 2:惊风密语 - 康熙大帝 2:驚風密語 [The Great Kangxi Emperor 2: Outstanding Foresight and Ability]
- Narrated by: 纪涵邦 - 紀涵邦 - Ji Hanbang
- Length: 28 hrs and 51 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £23.99 or 1 Credit
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Book 3
康熙大帝 3:玉宇呈祥 - 康熙大帝 3:玉宇呈祥 [The Great Kangxi Emperor 3: The Auspicious Forbidden City]
- By: 二月河 - 二月河 - Eryue He
- Narrated by: 纪涵邦 - 紀涵邦 - Ji Hanbang
- Length: 30 hrs and 18 mins
- Unabridged
平息“三藩”之乱之后,康熙四处物色治河能臣,亲赴汴梁,视察黄河,任用能臣疏浚漕运,终使黄河变清;任用良将,操练水军,德威并用,东收台湾;开博学鸿儒科,选拔良臣,缓和民族矛盾;南巡金陵,北巡盛京,完成统一中华大业…… 平息「三藩」之亂之後,康熙四處物色治河能臣,親赴汴梁,視察黃河,任用能臣疏浚漕運,終使黃河變清;任用良將,操練水軍,德威並用,東收台灣;開博學鴻儒科,選拔良臣,緩和民族矛盾;南巡金陵,北巡盛京,完成統一中華大業……
康熙大帝 3:玉宇呈祥 - 康熙大帝 3:玉宇呈祥 [The Great Kangxi Emperor 3: The Auspicious Forbidden City]
- Narrated by: 纪涵邦 - 紀涵邦 - Ji Hanbang
- Length: 30 hrs and 18 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £24.99 or 1 Credit
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Book 4
康熙大帝 4:乱起萧墙 - 康熙大帝 4:亂起蕭牆 [The Great Kangxi Emperor 4: Trouble Breaks Out at Home]
- By: 二月河 - 二月河 - Eryue He
- Narrated by: 纪涵邦 - 紀涵邦 - Ji Hanbang
- Length: 26 hrs and 53 mins
- Unabridged
康熙晚年出现了诸多弊政,吏治败坏,贪风炽盛,冤案丛生,田赋不均,土地高度集中,百姓贫苦,民变时起。皇亲旧勋借支国库库银,致使国库亏空。众阿哥觊觎皇位,各自结党营私…… 康熙晚年出現了諸多弊政,吏治敗壞,貪風熾盛,冤案叢生,田賦不均,土地高度集中,百姓貧苦,民變時起。皇親舊勳借支國庫庫銀,致使國庫虧空。眾阿哥覬覦皇位,各自結黨營私……
康熙大帝 4:乱起萧墙 - 康熙大帝 4:亂起蕭牆 [The Great Kangxi Emperor 4: Trouble Breaks Out at Home]
- Narrated by: 纪涵邦 - 紀涵邦 - Ji Hanbang
- Length: 26 hrs and 53 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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