
  • Where Nikki Haley's strength is coming from
    Dec 2 2023

    Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is gaining some steam as a challenger to Donald Trump. What is the former South Carolina governor doing that other candidates is not? Acting like she is a member of the ruling class of the South -- which she is. 

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    23 mins
  • Elites ate our social justice movements, right after they brought them to the table
    Oct 4 2023

    Did the elites take over social justice movements like MeToo, Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street?  Not exactly. Those movements were all totally in alignment with elite values in the northern United States. And those elites do control most American media and most of academia. So, to say these "causes" were ever separate from elitism would not be quite right. They were only separate from Southern elitism. In truth, social justice has become something of a religious cause to the heirs to the Puritans in Yankeedom. It's hard to imagine that a Marxist-style working class revolution could ever overwhelm that dynamic.

    Here are the articles I mentioned:
    David Leonhardt of the NYT: The Failure of Progressive Movements - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

    Freddie deBoer: Freddie deBoer | Substack

    Andrew Sullivan: Could MLK Give A TED Talk Today? - by Andrew Sullivan (substack.com)

    Coleman Hughes: Why Is TED Scared of Color Blindness? - by Coleman Hughes (substack.com)

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    23 mins
  • The Very American Beauty of Bidenomics
    Sep 21 2023

    Where does President Joe Biden’s pro-union, “from-the-bottom-up” economic policy come from? From his roots in Delaware and Pennsylvania, where the original settlers believed in getting an education-- but not too much -- and working hard -- but not too too hard. 




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    27 mins
  • Vivek Ramaswamy, High Tech Hillbilly
    Sep 7 2023

    The Republican Presidential Candidate is often described as a biotech executive, a Trump wannabe, or just this news cycle’s novelty act. But Ramaswamy’s connection with voters is no pretension -- he hails from Cincinnati, Ohio, making him a member of America’s most populous culture, the Appalachians. And those voters also happen to be the people who put Trump in the White House.

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    21 mins
  • Only this podcast can explain “Rich Men North of Richmond.”
    Aug 22 2023

    The song by Oliver Anthony isn’t actually liberal or conservative. It’s Appalachian. It talks about the same things that have animated singers in the Scotch-Irish-settled parts of America for 250 years, and it does it in the same musical style, too. 

    The real scandal is that so many online outlets want to claim some of its fame by shaming or blaming a work of art for being indicative of its culture.
     Here’s the song:  Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond - YouTube

     Here’s a sample of coverage (BBC):  Rich Men North of Richmond: The hit song that has divided the US

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    33 mins
  • UAP/UFO hearings never, ever get old
    Aug 3 2023

    The recent House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing on unexplained anomalous phenomena (UAPs) featured seemingly serious people suggesting the federal government has captured the aliens and their spaceship. Was the "tic-tac" covered up?

    Turns out our conversations about UFOs and national security have not substantially changed since the first "flying saucer" was spotted in 1947.  What they are really about is how we feel about the government. And how we feel about the government depends on where we live. Appalachia? Yankeedom?

    We talk about the regional perspective on this issue. #AmericanNations

    For a great run down on all the testimony on UAPs in the past two years, check out the Congressional Dish:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/congressional-dish/id572967793?i=1000622840341

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    25 mins
  • There's bougies in them thar hills - Summer in Central Oregon
    Jul 19 2023

    Visiting Deschutes National Forest and Suttle Lodge offered a peak at the future of camping culture in the Pacific Northwest, and at the influx of wealthy people who decided to live in the Cascade Mountains full time. The mountains were once a buffer between the liberal-minded culture of Portland and ranchers of Eastern Oregon, but dry-side Bend and Sisters don't seem that much different from Oregon's wet-side cities anymore.

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    27 mins
  • The 2024 Presidential candidates: who is running from where
    Jun 29 2023

    You can find poll numbers and pundits on the other podcasts. But the Compass of Power is the only place to find the candidates ranked by cultural region. 

    In this episode, I’m going through the entire known presidential field. But instead of listing folks as Republicans or Democrats, we’re breaking them down as folks from the Northern coalition – mostly liberals – and the Southern coalition –mostly conservatives.

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    27 mins