• Unlocking the Mind-Body Connection: A conversation with Dr. Michael Changaris
    Oct 3 2024

    In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Michael Changaris, an expert on neurobiology, the mind-body connection, and trauma. Dr. Changaris is a Psychologist, Zen practitioner, a professor in psychology at the Wright Institute, a writer, clinical trainer, and thought leader.

    Together we delve into his concept of synchromy - the synchronization between the mind, body, and nervous system - and how it plays a role in self-regulation, co-regulation, and healing. Dr. Changaris also opines about the evolution of marriage and family therapy. Plus he details how he uses Artificial Intelligence as a professional to up his game.

    I think of him like the Dennis Leary of Psychology. A huge compliment. Both have a quick wit and rapid fire speech, can hold your attention, and are passionate, relatable, funny, and accessible. The biggest difference is that Dr. Changaris is arguably more erudite and hails from the South, not Boston.

    In this episode you may need to hit the pause button, rewind, and get your pen and note pad out to keep up. I also suggest adjusting the speed of your playback system because you will be getting a master course on psychology/neurobiology and don’t want to miss one utterance. Of course a single episode is not nearly enough for this brilliant sage with a big heart . . .so hopefully we will get him back in the studio soon.

    WCMI networking group
    A networking group for mindfulness-focused clinicians dedicated to learning together & collaborating for more information click here

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    55 mins
  • Creating Stories and Metaphors for Lasting Change: Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom Through Hypnosis, Narrative Therapy, and Story Telling
    Sep 11 2024

    Dr. James H. Bramson Interviews Dr. Doris Brett (Following the ASH Conference)

    You should know who Dr. Doris Brett is. If you are living in Australia, New Zealand, or even Europe you may already know her work. She is a celebrated writer who has won numerous awards for her poems, novels, and children’s books. Dr. Doris Brett is also a captivating speaker and renowned clinical psychologist and hypnotherapist. I reconnected with her at the ASH (Australian Society of Hypnosis) conference in Cairns, Australia. I asked her for an interview and then stalked her and threatened to not leave Australia until she agreed … and, lucky for you all, she finally acquiesced.

    In this episode, Dr. Brett touches on several classic stories ripe with metaphors. As an example, do you know the famous story about a lost girl who starts off her misadventures in life by inadvertently killing someone? Then her circuitous journey leads her to three feckless male archetypal figures, who are also lost. They band together and set off to find what they’re missing inside. They eventually walk down a windy road and kill again, which sets them free. Their journey results in each of them becoming more enlightened, self-assured, self-directed, and happier. They even start singing together and find a skip in their step.

    Dr. Brett knows that you will easily recognize this familiar tale despite the cryptic setup. She opines that the way we setup a story or narrative framework is important. Have you figured it out? The above framework is the basis for the Wizard of Oz where two witches die. One witch dies at the beginning when Dorothy’s house lands on her. At the end, we all remember how the wicked witch melts (second death). Each character in Oz is a source of inspiration. Dorothy realizes she has always had the power to go back home, to find peace and strength within, and that she is not alone. Whereas the Scarecrow realizes he is smart, the Tin Man discovers his heart, and the Lion finds his courage. It’s a meta-story about not doubting ourselves and recognizing our full potential. It also illustrates the wisdom of questioning authority figures, false prophets, and autocratic leaders who rule by fear.

    The Wizard is a symbol of false authority or illusions of power until the curtain is pulled back. The Emerald city is a metaphor for a false utopia. The tornado represents upheaval, change, and a new phase of life. The story as a whole can be a psychological guide on resiliency, the importance of community, and finding your life path after a tragic event.

    Arduous events can test one’s soul and grit. Dr. Brett believes that hardships can lead to Post-Traumatic Growth. In brief, Dr. Brett illustrates how a familiar story like the Wizard of Oz can be rich with symbolism. Dr. Brett artfully uses this classic story and film, along with Greek mythology, ferry tales, and poems to help clients gain insights into their own life story - - that can lead to meaningful change.

    WCMI networking group
    A networking group for mindfulness-focused clinicians dedicated to learning together & collaborating for more information click here

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    46 mins
  • Making your Worrier a Warrior: Becoming a Warrior with a Heart
    Aug 19 2024

    Dr. Jim Bramson interviews Dr. Dan Peters

    Dr. Dan Peters is known to his clients and followers as Dr. Dan. He is a podcaster, author, therapist, and Executive Director at the Summit Center.

    In this episode he opines about how to “Make Your Worrier a Warrior” based on his seminal book by that same title. This shift from worrier to warrior benefits children inasmuch as parents.

    Dr. Dan is an expert on twice exceptional or multi-exceptional children. He discusses how to support the emotional needs of gifted children and all children. He touches on the topics of "perfectionism" and the importance of helping children feel like "they are enough." He encourages parents to instill positive self-worth in their kids. He thinks parents should avoid turning children into anxious achievers like themselves. Instead he believes that parents are most helpful and efficacious when they learn how to become mindful (peaceful) warriors with a heart.

    WCMI networking group
    A networking group for mindfulness-focused clinicians dedicated to learning together & collaborating for more information click here

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    45 mins
  • Male Intimacy: The Benefits of Cultivating Authentic and Fulfilling Connections
    May 27 2024

    Male Intimacy: The Benefits of Cultivating Authentic and Fulfilling Connections

    Hey guys— this one’s for you!

    In this episode, Rafael and Jim join forces again to help men discover the rewards of lasting male intimacy and friendships. These connections have been shown to reduce depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation - - and can even lead to a longer life.

    Humor also helps. Comedian, Hunter Duncan, in one of his standup bits, shared that the dating app Bumble has a BFF version where you can just swipe your way into a male friendship. He admitted to trying it out to make new guy friends and confessed it was semi-disastrous: “People are looking at my profile like, I wouldn’t even throw a frisbee with this guy.” Hence, shrinks (including your hosts) stress the importance of men’s groups…. and other activities where men can cultivate authentic connections with other guys.

    Don’t give up hope, comrades: turns out men are teachable, and we can

    learn to get out of their own way. We can be re-socialized to be less competitive, ego-driven, approval-seeking, inauthentic, and stoic. Men can also learn to stop engaging in “one-upmanship” behavior (except maybe while watching sports, like say a football game between the

    Lions and the 49er’s (a random example that may or may be based on a lived experience between Jim and Rafael)).

    EBMC Psychology Inc. and WCMI (which sponsor this podcast) can link you to an active Men’s Group (contact Eti Kaminsky if you are interested: etimft@gmail.com or ebmcpsych@gmail.com).

    WCMI networking group
    A networking group for mindfulness-focused clinicians dedicated to learning together & collaborating for more information click here

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    57 mins
  • Ageless Aging: How to maximize your lifespan, healthspan, brainspan and even your wealth span
    May 14 2024

    Dr. Jim Bramson and Lisa Rosenthal interview Maddy Dychtwald

    If you are a woman (or man) and find yourself in the second half of life (or first), you will not want to miss this podcast. Maddy Dychtwald, co-founder of Age Wave and author of the new book “Ageless Aging,” expertly guides us through some key health hacks that can help us all live healthier and longer. We stand at the precipice of a longevity revolution. And Maddy, based on decades of research and countless interviews with thought leaders in the fields of aging, health, and wellness, tells us what we need know to make the most of it.

    Turns out most research on maximizing our health is conducted by, about, and for cisgender men. Even the data analysis is curated by cis men. But Maddy Dychtwald breaks the mold. She explores the latest science uniquely catered to cis women. She discusses the benefits of hormone replacement and the need to focus on brain health, as women are more likely to experience cognitive decline later in life. And she explores topics that our society fails to teach women, like the importance of financial planning.

    Do you feel doomed by your genetics? Well Maddy offers up some good news. Did you grow up without healthy women role models? Maddy identifies many you can look to now. Do you attend to everyone else’s needs before your own? Maddy has some suggestions. And finally, are you so overwhelmed by all the guidance, how-to books, and supplement pushers that you don’t know where or how to get started? Maddie will show the way!

    Tune in to this conversation between Maddy Dychtwald, Jim Bramson, and Lisa Rosenthal to learn how you can take advantage of everything from routine dental checkups and warm lemon water to a friendly exchange with your neighborhood barista to feel stronger and better, for longer. Her book “Ageless Aging” is available now, and warrants a spot at the top of your nightstand book pile.

    WCMI networking group
    A networking group for mindfulness-focused clinicians dedicated to learning together & collaborating for more information click here

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    53 mins
  • The Psychology of Self-Determination: The Right to Live, Die, and Make Amends
    May 10 2024

    Bramson on Bramson.

    Drs. Bramson finally record a podcast together. Dr. Jim interviews his father Dr. Allan Bramson, on the occasion of his 88th birthday.

    Who is Dr. Allan Bramson? Besides being the senior Bramson who had to deal with Jim’s recalcitrance and shenanigans in high school, he was a storied professor and pioneer in the areas of death and dying, video wills, and euthanasia. He even started a career institute that catered to under-resourced students.

    Allan fought alongside Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the famous advocate for the right to choose how and when to end our life in the face of chronic and intractable diseases. Allan came to know him personally, as an artist, not just as an empathic physician. Allan also came to know Kevorkian’s attorney, Jeffrey Fieger (famous brother of the possibly more famous lead singer of the Knack, Doug Fieger). Like his pal Jeffrey Fieger, Allan studied law and advocated for social justice, self-determination, and dignity in death.

    During the interview, Allan gets real and discusses his stage 4 cancer, his divorce, and his long separation from his son Jim (your host) and their timely reconciliation. Perhaps it is a testimony to forgiveness, loving-kindness, acceptance, and transcending ego. Perhaps it offers a lesson in self-determination, i.e. whether we choose to invest in important historical people we have long lost contact with. Do we embrace family and friends who left us? Can we overcome feelings of abandonment and/or pride? When does it make sense to lean into relationships when others might advise us to lean out? Tune in, as it may help you grapple with answers to these questions in your own life.

    WCMI networking group
    A networking group for mindfulness-focused clinicians dedicated to learning together & collaborating for more information click here

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    31 mins
  • Imago Therapy, Spiritual Development, and the Rise of Consciousness
    Apr 3 2024

    Live From Boulder Colorado, an Interview with Dr. Paul Bretz

    Jim catches up with his long-time friend and colleague from his halcyon days at the University of Chicago. Dr. Paul Bretz (a.k.a. Reverend Paul). Paul is still prolific after all these years —and is still doing his part to make the world a better place. Paul is the CEO of Centus Counseling Center (Centus.org). He is passionate abut high quality, cost effective, spiritually integrative behavioral healthcare. He is also a surveyor for the Joint Commission, whose mission is to continuously improve healthcare. (A real slacker…)

    In this episode, Paul discusses the stages of psychological, moral, and spiritual development and its impact on individuals and couples. He compares a cosmic consciousness framework with a dualistic framework. Paul delves deep into the importance of Imago Therapy for doing couples work, and shares how it improved his own relationship. Paul makes a strong case for how spiritual development and Imago therapy can be combined to conduct highly effective couples therapy. Paul believes the intensive format is particularly efficacious for doing deep work. Paul is the embodiment of emotional, psychological, spiritual, and intellectual sophistication. He continues to be an inspiration and teacher for me and many others.

    WCMI networking group
    A networking group for mindfulness-focused clinicians dedicated to learning together & collaborating for more information click here

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    54 mins
  • The End to Arguing: The Beginning of Great Sex and Intimacy
    Mar 27 2024

    Dr. Jim Bramson interviews Charlie & Linda Bloom

    The Blooms are back. They tuned in from a writing retreat to discuss their latest book “An End to Arguing.” They also introduce their forthcoming book project on exemplary relationships. (In sharp contrast to their slacker podcast host who has been toiling over one book for over five years, the Blooms are churning out incredible books in rapid fire.)

    In this interview we explore some spicy content areas in their “End to Arguing” book: transforming desire into intention; why winning doesn’t work; why it’s better to say nothing sometimes, who’s got the power?; and why it’s never too late have a happy childhood. The book devotes a chapter to each of these topics.

    The Blooms also opine in this episode about the nexus between arguing, sex, and intimacy. They go into some detail about how the cessation of arguing can lead to greater intimacy and connection.

    Charlie and Linda Bloom will be featured presenters at the upcoming Human Potential Conference” Sex, Love and RockNRoll (Nov 1st, 2024 at the Hillside Club, Berkeley, CA from 5pm - 9:30pm). Go to Eventbrite for ticket information on the conference and visit Bloomwork.com to learn more about the Blooms.

    WCMI networking group
    A networking group for mindfulness-focused clinicians dedicated to learning together & collaborating for more information click here

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    58 mins