• ADHD and Health: Get Down With The Sickness
    Aug 10 2023

    I'm back, after a bit of a break caused mostly by crappy health, so what better time than to take a look at how ADHD intersects with health. I look at the myriad ways in which ADHD actually causes or leads to certain conditions and how treatment for them excludes ADHDers, at how ADHD can affect lifestyle, which in turn impacts health and recovery, how ADHD can cause us to react mentally and emotionally to ill health, and finally at the appalling way that too many health care professionals treat people with ADHD. I also cover some of the ways ADHD impacts women hormonally throughout our lives.

    So pop a couple of paracetamol, get comfy on your orthopedic wedge pillow, put your glasses on your head so you can squint at your screen to work out where to press play (or is this just me?), and learn all about the interplay of ADHD and health...

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    34 mins
  • Episode 15 - Shiny, Happy People (the positives of having ADHD)
    May 15 2023

    We hear so much about how difficult life can be with ADHD - and it can be, and it is - but there are also some great things about having ADHD, and in this episode, I talk about just some of them, from being funny as fuck to punching killer alsatians to telling nazis to stick it up their fat arseholes. So join me in this celebration of the plus sides of ADHD (and feel your age as you remember you still know Kate Pierson's dance in the Shiny Happy People video)...

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    22 mins
  • Episode 14 - It's Grand When You're Getting On, You Know
    Apr 26 2023

    In this episode, I have a lovely chat about how cool it actually is to be 50 and all the good stuff there is about being middle-aged, how important it is to not be scared of pain and to turn it into a positive, and talk about all the positive stuff that's been happening for me since I turned 50 and started doing this podcast. Because it's about time somebody remembered to talk about Gen X, yeah? *eye roll*

    PS Some sort of prize to anyone who remembers where the name of this episode is from

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    20 mins
  • Episode 13 - All The Small Things
    Apr 17 2023

    We're just normal men... we're innocent men...

    This episode is all about embracing the ordinary. Looking at how practical, sensible, and reliable we actually are in a world set up to tell us that we're "doin it rong", and feeling good about ourselves for all the brilliant ways we navigate through life, however hard we find them, however different from the expected neurotypical way of doing them that may be. I talk about how it's important to not let toxic messages we receive over a lifetime just because we don't do things in a neurotypical way blind us to just how capable we really are, and how equally important it is not to let those make us scared and resistant to being "normal". This is me in reflective mode.

    PS Yes, yes, I know what All The Small Things is about, you perverts

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    33 mins
  • Episode 12 - Unmasking Old Man Withers: Confronting The Lies We Tell Ourselves
    Mar 26 2023

    In this episode, I look at the need to not be scared to address all the negative messages we've received about ourselves through having undiagnosed ADHD. I look at the lies and harmful beliefs that Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and a lifetime of undiagnosed ADHD have led me to believe about myself in relationships and hold them up to the light to see... that they're bollocks, actually. I'm now thinking of asking myself out (at least I'm guaranteed no dick pics and I don't snore)!

    This leads on to my call for support for adults coming to terms with a diagnosis of ADHD and my vision for creating a movement to make this happen. So give me a listen then come and join me - @estherhasadhd on Instagram

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    18 mins
  • Episode 11 - The joys of ADHD Motherhood (it's not just always having someone to pass you stuff)
    Mar 18 2023

    In this episode, I talk all about what it's like being a mum with ADHD from a very personal perspective. How wonderful it is, how deeply it allows me to love, and all the ways it has helped my ADHD, plus fans of hideous medical contraptions will enjoy my exciting chat about forceps.

    This week's retro throwback: Shackletons High-Backed Chairs.

    PS You don't know how hard it was to not call this episode Yo Mama...

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    27 mins
  • Episode 10 - The Unbearable Shiteness of Being... in ADHD Paralysis
    Mar 12 2023

    "Ugh. Can't do anything. So bored. So restless. Why can't I find something to do? Why am I slumped here looking when my mind won't stop racing? I must look so lazy to everyone else. How come I can only do things I find exciting? JUST DO SOMETHING."

    In this episode, I take a look at one of the least-known aspects of ADHD: ADHD paralysis, which, ironically, is the state that people with ADHD most often find themselves in. No-one can on the outside can see anything going on, in fact, it looks like the ADHDer is doing absolutely nothing, avoiding all activity, while inside, our mind will be so active that we're glitching. Find out what it feels like and what's going on when it happens and how it impacts our lives and relationships.

    Bit sweary, as always.

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    27 mins
  • Episode 9 - THE SHAGGING ONE!
    Mar 4 2023

    Yes, it's my favourite topic and activity - SEX! Sexy, sexy sex... Find out why ADHDers are more likely to start having sex young, have risky sex, be either hypersexual or hyposexual, find it hard to concentrate during sex, and learn all about the dreadful things I've said to men during sex when I wasn't concentrating (to any of my exes lurking and listening - I AM SO SORRY). Plus I take a look at some of the shit ways in which middle-aged women and their sexuality and menopausal bodies are treated by the medical profession and why this has to change.

    Look out for my bonus sex tip on how to hide not concentrating during sex when you're a woman! *evil cackle*

    Full, as always, with the most dreadful oversharing, swearing and throwback references. Definitely don't listen to this one around kids...

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    28 mins