• Ep. 709 - Q & A: Correspondents ask the best questions ever!
    Sep 25 2024

    The Medicare Advantage Minute: Two MA behemoths are cutting back in 2025; which insurers will benefit?

    Communist government health programs like Medicare can only deal with increasing cost of care in two ways: increasing taxes and rationing care.

    MLM podcast guest Clarence Cramer was smart enough to hang up on fraudsters: Medicare will never call you on the telephone!

    Changing from an employer plan to Part D of Medicare is likely to reveal a difference in your drug benefits.

    A new client asks whether there is any hope in rescuing her partner from his unsatisfactory MA plan. We give her encouraging news!

    Finally, a correspondent asks a series of very excellent questions about Medicare & Medicare advantage. I should start a Q & A for the next edition: MLM 2025!

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A++)

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    36 mins
  • Ep. 708 - Dems spending $billion$ to purchase votes of Medicare participants!
    Sep 22 2024

    Medicare Advantage Minute announces: Seven insurers are exiting MA markets in 2025.

    Wikipedia page on Medicare: a comparison with private insurance.

    Health systems get ready: here comes the Silver Tsunami!

    Many of the most popular Part D drug plans have stopped paying commissions to sales agents. Consult "Medicare for the Lazy Man" for simple DIY instructions to select the best part D plan for you.

    Finally, an article announcing that Medicare supplement is positioned for growth in the future.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+)

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    33 mins
  • Ep. 707 - Inflation PRO-duction Act: delivering BIG rate increases to drug plans
    Sep 20 2024

    Medicare Advantage Minute: Star ratings will be recalculated, resulting in payment adjustments of hundreds of millions of dollars.

    Wikipedia page on Medicare: comparison with private insurance.

    Finally, Joan writes in asking how to remove herself from the hated Medicaid welfare plan she has become mired in. She wants to re-enroll in original Medicare with a beloved supplement plan.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+)

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    35 mins
  • Ep. 706 - New reason to panic: It's too hot! ...or it's too cold! We're all doomed!
    Sep 17 2024

    Limp wristed pantywaists horrified at summer heat in the desert southwest! Also, fatal heart attacks are more likely in cold weather.

    Politicos are trying to reform the prior authorization process in order to ease the strain on providers and reduce complaints about Medicare Advantage plans.

    Did your parent(s) have Alzheimer's disease? Does that mean that you are likely to get it?

    Finally, new Medicare rules may allow 3.6 million to become eligible for Wegovy. According to one expert, the impact on Medicare "could be horrendous"!

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+)

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    35 mins
  • + Ep. 705 - Flu shots and other vaccines: Get 'em free with Part D!
    Sep 15 2024

    Medicare Advantage Minute article for today: Millions on Humana MA plans could see benefits cut. They are ending plans in some areas while cutting benefits in others.

    The Medicare page on Wikipedia describes some enrollment processes.

    Finally, correspondence from a prospective client carries questions about Medicare supplement characteristics, particularly in North Carolina.

    Additional questions spark a review of the cost and availability of vaccines.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A++)

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    34 mins
  • Ep. 704 - Florida: Let's do a little Medicare supplement math; HDG is the winning plan!
    Sep 13 2024

    Our Medicare Advantage Minute illustrates a trend responsible for much of the dramatic growth of Advantage plans: Large companies refusing promised retiree benefits if the retiree elects original Medicare rather than a Medicare Advantage plan.

    Florida: Let's do the Medicare supplement math: Illustrating the potential savings and very limited additional risk of choosing HDG over Plan G.

    The premium savings will defray most, if not all, of the Medicare deductible and coinsurance.

    Finally, Medicare supplement (Medigap) plans may be changed any time of the year. Some states make it easier than others.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+)

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    34 mins
  • Ep. 703 - MD Anderson Cancer Center & BC/BS Texas Medicare Advantage part company!
    Sep 11 2024

    A contract dispute has caused the removal of MD Anderson from BC/BS TX Medicare Advantage networks. This will be a problem for their member patients who relied on Anderson for their treatment.

    This sad upheaval couldn't happen with Medicare and a Medicare supplement!

    The Medicare Advantage Minute quotes an article illustrating the areas of the US where millions could lose their MA plans.

    From the Medicare Wikipedia page we learn about office medication reimbursement.

    Wellcare is ending MA coverage for their clients in six states.

    Finally, correspondence from two prospective clients with questions about their unique situations.

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+)

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

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    34 mins
  • Ep. 702 - MA plans are like Roach Motels: members go in but they can't get out!
    Sep 9 2024

    The article addressed in our Medicare Minute is entitled, "Need a Medicare Advantage Plan?" It goes on to describe the results of a study illustrating the fact that residents of poor counties have difficulty getting highly rated MA plans.

    The Medicare Wikipedia page describes how medical doctors are reimbursed for their services depending on their legal relationship with Medicare.

    Finally, we hear the sad stories of two members of MA plans that sorely regret having missed their opportunities to get out when the getting was good!

    Contact me at: DBJ@MLMMailbag.com

    (Most severe critic: A+)

    Inspired by:

    "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simplest & Easiest Guide Ever!" on Amazon.com. Return to leave a short customer review & help future readers.

    Official website: https://www.MedicareForTheLazyMan.com.

    Show More Show Less
    35 mins